How to explore Magome!!

Today, as you know, I will explain one of the most popular destination of foreign turists in this Pref, Magome.


As you know, Im creazy cyclist as a local person.

Our cycling team has approximately 70 people, that’s why, we are familiar in this region compared to advertizing.

We are not advertizing this region as one of local persons.
I want you to enjoy this region as a local people from the heart.

What is Magome

Magome is one of the post town from the past.

In the past, one of the king of Japan called “Tokugawa Ieyasu” wanted to waste other lord’s asset.

As a means, The king decided to call other country’s lord regulerly to Tokyo.

So, country’s lord had to prepare and travel for a long time and distance despite wasting a lot of money.

So, one of the king called “Tokugawa” organized the road and several post town.

Magome is one of them.

This beautiful post town’s were made by politics at the time.

Magome has still a past atmosphere strongly.

I also reccommend you to go to three post town that are similar from Magome.




How to enjoy as a cyclists.

If you can go to the place with your bike, you should go to a start point of Magome.

I will put the no of Google map.

35.52440715023173, 137.56547760096734

If you should take a taxi, you can call him “Magome kan honkan”.

There are two reason for this.

1.You can go throgh the town directly.

2.You can go to the Tsumago town.

3.You can experience experiences of people of the past.

That’s why, I recommend you to start this point.


This road is continues to the next post town called “Tsumago”.

If you can go to Tsumago by foot or bike, you should purchase several drinks in this souvenir shop.

Because, there are a lot of steep slopes than you expected.

That’s why, you should have enough food and drink in advance as you can.

I recommend you to have a local dishes called “Gohei mochi”.

This local foods are specific and you don’t eat this foods except for Nakasendo.

This foods have unique seasning because, this food consits of rice, miso(Japanese traditional seasoning) and sesame.

Its delicious yet affordable.

So, you should take this food in this post town.

You can go to the Tsumago by foot or bike.

Are you ready?

If so, lets go to the next town.

In front of you, you can see steep sloop, you should climb it on foot.
You dont ride while there are stones on the road.

At the first time, you can see right angle in the road.

This is a remnant of the past.

In the past, the king order to make those post town, he has two role in those towns.

The first, accommodations.

The others, he wanted to make a small town of a fort.

Therefore, the road is not straight like other way of the castles.

You can climb on the stones road little by little.
You can have water all around if you want.
The water is clear and drinkable.

The town has versatile shops and restaurants, so you should take a break or breakfast.

End of the town

Eventually, you can see the end of the town.

You can climb for a short time, you can arrive a view point of the mountain.

You can see the popular mountain called “Ena mountain” that is one of the best 100 mountain in Japan.

This mountain is a landmark in this region.

The mountain is 2,191 m high covered by Gifu Pref and Nagano Pref.

Desipite high mountain, there are a lot of trees on the top of the mountain.

Thats why, views is not good, Because, the region is few snow in fall to winter.

Generally speaking, in Japan, in winter, there are a lot of strong wind from the north west to south east.

This cold and dry wind is called “North wind”.

So, in the mountains that is located in north of Gifu Pref, there are a lot of snow.

In contrast, the mountain called “Ena” is located in south west.

That’s why, there are few snow despite middle of winter.

That’s why, this point might be one of the post town.

Magome touge.

At next, you should aim the next goal Magome Touge.

“Touge” means mountain path in Japan.

At next, you should go to Magome touge by bike or foot.

Generally speaking, its hard for nomal cyclists to climb this moutnain path.

Because, there is a difference of about 250 m from Magome to this point.

The top of the mountain path, there is a notable sign.

So, you can be taking a picture.

In the past, there might be a lot of people that have a conversation with each other in this significant peak of the mountain.

As a matter of fact, I have met several country’s tourists and had a conversation.

England, Germany and Israel.

It was privilaged and excited from the opportunities.

So, if you meet several person, I want you to have a conversations.

Most of Japanese people are shy yet kind and polite I believe.

This point is around 800 m.

So, you should take a rest for a long time if you want.

Have a nice trip!!.


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